I yearn to bellow, scream and squall
audibly and conspicuously.
Whilst i can't, i might just text.

And then it will take ages to reach to you for
i wonder how many reams and reams it would be.
Or maybe i can just plop it into a box,
bind it, canvas it, seal it, paint it then finally
giving it to you , dashing away like death's call.
audibly and conspicuously.
Whilst i can't, i might just text.

And then it will take ages to reach to you for
i wonder how many reams and reams it would be.
Or maybe i can just plop it into a box,
bind it, canvas it, seal it, paint it then finally
giving it to you , dashing away like death's call.

How about putting it on paper!
Though ill prolly be using papers redundantly for
there is just too freaking much to write.
Writing it into a song might be a great idea,
but i don't wana turn out like Antonio Vivaldi,
with my music turning into some cliche crap
that's too widely used!
(p.s. though Antonio is still awesome!)
Nothing will progress.
Like always.
I'm living with it, haven't i been?
Like always.
I'm living with it, haven't i been?
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