Friday, April 3, 2009

You've got to hide it away.

I yearn to bellow, scream and squall
audibly and conspicuously.
Whilst i can't, i might just text.

And then it will take ages to reach to you for
i wonder how many reams and reams it would be.

Or maybe i can just plop it into a box,
bind it, canvas it, seal it, paint it then finally
giving it to you , dashing away like death's call.

How about putting it on paper!
Though ill prolly be using papers redundantly for
there is just too freaking much to write.

Writing it into a song might be a great idea,
but i don't wana turn out like Antonio Vivaldi,
with my music turning into some cliche crap
that's too widely used!
(p.s. though Antonio is still awesome!)

But i guess you speculated it.
I can't do it.
For if i'm doing that,
I won't be blogging here.

Nothing will progress.
Like always.
I'm living with it, haven't i been?

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